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This page contains blog posts from July 2011 and earlier.  For blog posts from July 2011 onward, click here.

Written by:Jennifer Lesczinski
1/2/2009 7:47 AM 

We are very excited to announce that Enkaustikos now has its own website!  We have decided to wholesale our products so that now retail stores across the country can also carry our wax paints and supplies to make our products more accessible to the avid encaustic painter!

It is very thrilling news for us an company and as a result, we also felt a need to expand the amount of information available on our products with a new website called 

On our website, you will find detailed information about our encaustic supplies, our company Enkaustikos, safety and historical information regarding encaustic painting itself, and even an Artist FAQ to help answer some common concerns.Â

What’s even better is that we also highlight a different encaustic artist periodically in what’s known as our Featured Artist section on the website.  The encaustic artist is interviewed to complete a Q & A as well as a brief biography.  Plus, we also provide an image gallery of their artwork to help give you an idea of what others are doing with this unique medium!   

Through this new website, we are hoping you can not only learn about our encaustic products but also have the chance to be educated on encaustic painting itself!  Learn tips, advice, and find out more about our encaustic line by visiting 

We hope this additional website will become your encaustic resource but of course when
 you’re interested in purchasing any of our encaustic paints, specialty tools, or accessories just come back to our usual website,  and start shopping as we carry all these items on our online catalog.Â


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