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Written by:Jennifer Lesczinski
9/7/2010 10:53 AM 

Next month in October, a 100 piece box of vintage Roche Pastels dating back between 1948 to 1975 will be on display.  The box will be part of the "American Moderns on Paper" exhibit at the Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art.  If you are near the Hartford, Connecticut area be sure to visit within the next months be sure to stop in.   Roche Pastels were the preferred pastels of Degas, Sisley, and Whistler...this would be a great opportunity to check out the exquisite brand!  It will be on display October 2nd to January 17th.  The museum is located at 600 Main St, Hartford, CT 06103.  The exhibit was previously displayed at the Amon Carter Museum and the Portland Museum of Art.

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