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This page contains blog posts from July 2011 and earlier.  For blog posts from July 2011 onward, click here.

Written by:Jennifer Lesczinski
10/2/2010 11:17 AM 

First friday is a nice program supporting Rochester's artists.  The city comes together and showcases local artwork the first friday of each month.  Fans can go to various locations throughout the city to see the different artwork:  nonprofits, businesses, and educational institutions provide the gallery space.  It is a monthly event that helps to ensure a healthy art scene here in Rochester. 

Visit to see the complete list of venues and shows each month.  The location and times vary but you are sure to find at least one show you are interested in attending.  Previously, shuttle buses were available (earlier in the year) but for those attending now they must secure their own transportation. 

First Friday Rochester was initiated, and is administered by Rochester Contemporary Art Center.


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