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This page contains blog posts from July 2011 and earlier.  For blog posts from July 2011 onward, click here.

Written by:Jennifer Lesczinski
9/15/2008 2:56 PM 

Have you heard?  We have many, exciting, Free Presentations, coming up here in Rochester!

These presentations vary in topic, are held at our retail location, and feature various guest speakers.  All of our presentations are free of charge and even free parking is available!Â

Our next presentation is on M. Graham Paints and is on Thursday, September 18th at 6:30pm-8:00pm.  Michelle Montes will provide an overview of the complete line of M. Graham Paints and you will learn why they add honey to their watercolors, use walnut oil as a vehicle for their pigments, and what makes their acrylic paint film so creamy and strong.

You will even have the opportunity to play with the acrylics, oils, watercolors, and gouache paints.  Plus, some samples will be given away!  This is a perfect opportunity for you to ask questions about techniques and paint application in general so if you are in the area, mark your calendar.

Our last presentation on Opaque Color Mixing with Christian Kolupski of Boxart Atelier filled up very quickly so we ask that you please call ahead to reserve your seat.  Thanks!  (800) 836-8940


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